Thursday, August 25, 2016

Nursing Communication~HANDLING GOOGLE MD'S

Google MD's

People who type in diseases into a search engine online and believe they have  the correct information rather than medical professionals caring for them. 

These people in particular, are argumentative, desperate for answers, emotionally distraught... 
They can include patients, family members, friends or any other people associated with the patient. You would use your communication skills to handle this individual. Always address the patient as they wish such as Mr., Ms. or by first name. Be polite and formal. Ask open-ended questions such as "Explain to me what is bothering you" or "Tell me what you know about the disease"  "Tell me about the resources you have used."  Then use this as an opportunity to educate the patient. Listen to what the patient is saying. Respect their personal space. Be cautious about using touch when speaking to an angry individual. Is there any family present? Are they helping to calm the patient or escalating the situation. If they are causing the patient to become angrier then politely ask the family member or friend to step out for a moment. If the family member or friend seems to be helping the situation then involve them in the discussion. Is there anything aggravating the situation? Is the patient in pain, have side effects from medications, have a fear of something (injections or medications). 

Always remember not to argue with patients or family members this only escalates the situation. Instead us a low tone when speaking to them. If at any time you feel unsafe call security. 


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