Saturday, August 27, 2016

New Nursing Students STAY STRONG!

You have to stay positive at all times 

It was hard work making it into the program but the work does not stop sorry to say this. Nursing is not an easy degree plan it takes works and determination. It takes hard work to get great grades and complete the program. Stay as positive as possible and try and block out the negative self-talk that nursing students often do because I guarantee you this will transfer to you. Before you know it, you're thinking you aren't going to pass either. Personally, I have heard and continue to heard students saying how they can not do something such as "I can't understand what how to answer these questions" or "I can't find the time to finish the work." It all starts in your mind if you can think it you can do it. Here are some self-affirmations that you could use and repeat them to yourself on a daily basis to ensure you do not fall into negative self-talking. 

  • I will make all A's on the tests
  • My care plans are masterpieces 
  • I know the material well
  • I understand what I am doing because I have practiced and studied 
  • All of my patients appreciate the care that I give because I am amazing at my job
  • I am understanding 
  • I am patient 
  • I am caring and kind 
  • I am empathetic 
  • I always understand what I read. 
  • I always put forth the necessary effort
  • I always do more than what is required
  • I will become the best ______nurse on my unit
  • I will pass the NCLEX-RN exam with 75 questions answered 
  • Nursing is my passion and it is my calling, therefore I will become a nurse

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