*Be careful using abbreviations as some have more than one meaning
*It is recommended that you write out the words to prevent miscommunication in some cases

ABG- Arterial blood gas
ac-before meals 
ACLS-advanced cardiac life support
ad lib-as desired 
ADD-attention deficit disorder 
ADH-antidiuretic hormone
AED-automatic external defibrillator 
AKA-above the knee amputation
ALI-acute lung injury 
AMI-acute myocardial infarction
APD-automated peritoneal dialysis 
BCLS-basic cardiac life support
bid, b.i.d- twice a day 
BBD-benign breast disease 
BM-bowel movement 
BKA-below the knee amputation
BMT-bone marrow transplant
BPH-benign prostate hyperplasia
BSC-bedside commode 
BSE-breast self-exam
CABG-coronary artery bypass graft
CAD-coronary artery disease 
CKD-chronic kidney disease 
CO-cardiac output 
COPD-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP-continuous positive airway pressure 
CVI-chronic venous insufficiency 
CVP-central venous pressure
D&C-dilation and curettage 
DDD-degenerative disk disease
DIC-disseminated intravascular coagulation 
DJD-degenerative joint disease
DKA-diabetic ketoacidosis
DNR-do not resuscitate
DOA-dead on arrival 
DOE-dyspnea upon exertion 
DM-diabetes Mellitus 
DRE-digital rectal exam
DVT-deep vein thrombosis
ECF-Extracellular fluid 
ED-emergency department
EMS-emergency medical service
EENT-eye, ear, nose and throat
ESKD-end stage kidney disease
ESR-erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ETOH-ethyl alcohol 
FOB-foot of bed
FTT-failure to thrive
FUO-fever of unknown origin
GCS-Glasgow coma scale 
GERD-gastroesophageal reflux disease 
GFR-glomerular filtration rate
GH-growth hormone
GI-glycemic index
GSW-gunshot wound
GTT-glucose tolerance test
HAI-healthcare associated infection
HAV-hepatitis A virus 
HBV-hepatitis B virus 
HF-Heart failure
H&P-history and physical 
HOB-head of bed
h/o-history of 
HOH-hard of hearing 
HR-heart rate
I&O-intake and output
IBW-ideal body weight 
IBS-irritable bowel syndrome
I&D-incision and drainage
ICP-intracranial pressure
IE-infective endocarditis 
IOP-intraocular pressure 
JVD-jugular vein distension 
KS-Kaposi sarcoma 
KUB-kidney, ureters, bladder (x-ray) 
KVO-keep vein open
LMP-last menstrual period
LOC-level of consciousness 
LP-lumbar puncture 
MD-muscular dystrophy
MG-myasthenia gravis
MI-Myocardial Infarction
MODS-multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 
MS-multiple sclerosis
MVP-mitral valve prolapse
NHL-nonHogkins lymphoma 
NPO-Nothing by mouth 
NS-Normal saline
NSR-normal sinus rhythm 
OD-right eye
OOB-out of bed
OS-left eye
OSA-obstructive sleep apnea
OTC-over the counter
PCA-patient controlled analgesia
PD-Parkinson's disease
PE-pulmonary embolism or physical exam
PERRLA-pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation 
PID-pelvic inflammatory disease
PKD-polycystic kidney disease
PMH-past medical history
PMI-point of maximal impulse 
PN-parental nutrition 
PND-paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea or postnasal drip 
POC-point of care
PUD-peptic ulcer disease
PVC-premature ventricular contraction
RA-rheumatoid arthritis 
REM-rapid eye movement
RF-rhematic fever 
ROM-Range of motion
RLS-restless leg syndrome
SCI-spinal cord injury 
SOB-shortness of breath
SVR-systemic vascular resistance
SVT-superficial vein thrombosis
TIA-transient ischemic attack 
TKO-to keep open
TPR-temperature, pulse and respirations
UA-unstable angina
UTI-urinary tract infection
VD-venereal disease
VF-ventricular fibrillation
VS-Vital signs
VT-ventricular tachycardia
VTE-Venous thromboembolism
EHR-waist to hip ratio
WNL-within normal limits 

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