Thursday, August 25, 2016

How Close is Too Close?

Signs of inappropriate behavior can be subtle at first, but early warning signs that should raise a “red flag” can include:
  •   Discussing intimate or personal issues with a patient
  •   Engaging in behaviors that could reasonably be interpreted as flirting
  •   Keeping secrets with a patient or for a patient
  •   Believing that you are the only one who truly
    understands or can help the patient
  •   Spending more time than is necessary with a particular patient
  •   Speaking poorly about colleagues or your employment setting with the patient and/or family
  •   Showing favoritism
  •   Meeting a patient in settings besides those used to
    provide direct patient care or when you are not at work

    Patients can also demonstrate signs of overinvolvement by asking questions about a particular nurse, or seeking personal information. If this occurs, the nurse should request assistance from a trusted colleague or a supervisor. 

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