Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Single Mom in Nursing School

A Single Mom In Nursing School

How to Cope?  

Being a single mother in nursing school is a challenging journey. I realized helping people was my passion in life, and I must complete nursing school and become a registered nurse but to do this it would take hard work and effort. I found myself trying different things to manage my time better. I visited the college counselors, nursing remediation specialist, and instructors got a life coach to get advice on how to manage my life properly. Great life changing tips have been given to me and others I learned along the way. I will show you how to manage your time to continue nursing school successfully. 

Organize Your Calendar

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 
0530-Wake-up (morning grooming) 
0645-Take daughter to school 
0700-Take son to school 
1200-1400-Study Group 
1600-1630-Pick up kids from moms
1700-1730-Cook dinner 
1730-1900-Study at home 
1900-2200-Work from home (beach body) 
2200-2230-Shower and get ready for bed 

Wednesday Game Day
0530-Wake-up (morning grooming) 
0645-Take daughter to school 
0700-Take son to school 
1200-1400-Study Group 
1500-1600-Workout (Insanity) 
1600-1630-Pick up kids from moms
1700-1730-Cook dinner 
1730-1900-Football game (listen to audio book for nursing) 
1900-2200-Work from home (beach body) 
2200-2330-Shower and get ready for bed

Friday's Errand Day 
0530-Wake-up (morning grooming) 
0645-Take daughter to school 
0700-Take son to school 
0800-1400- Complete Errands (pay bills and finish loose ends) 
1400-1500-Workout (Insanity)
1500-1600-Cook Dinner 
1600-1630-Pick up kids from moms
1700-1830-Study group via Skype 
1730-1900-Study at home 
1900-2200-Work from home (beach body) 
2200-2330-Shower and get ready for bed 
Saturdays –Business, mommy time and family time
Sundays-Church, business and care plan day

I would like to add… if you are a full-time student, then you must have a part-time job and work on the weekends or have your own business that allows you flexibility. I am a Beach Body coach, and this allows me the freedom to schedule my days accordingly. 

Find A Support System 

You need help. Do not try to tackle everything alone. My support system consists of my parents whom help out tremendously with my children, life coach who has helped me become whole and keeps me on track, friends who support me through good and bad times and even instructors who also help me in every aspect of my life to stay on track with nursing by being an advocate for me. My parents are especially helpful with my children. When you have to change your schedule unexpectedly, it can be helpful to have family and friends to help you with your children this cuts back on the cost of babysitters or daycare. My mom and dad are awesome. Also, do not take your family and friends for granted. They are doing you a huge favor so if you have the extra money pay them what you have. They'll be grateful. 


Cooking was a challenge until I began to order dinners online. Before you turn your nose up at this idea the idea… I save $200.00 a month on my grocery bill, it only takes me 30 minutes' average to cook the meals from start to finish, they are healthy meals about 500 calories per meal, and my children love it. Lastly, I save time and money because I am not going back and forth to the grocery store for ingredients. Find a company that will send you groceries in a box and this will be a huge time and money saver. I only cook breakfast on the weekends and my children eat breakfast at school. Although I do not eat breakfast, this does not stop me from living a healthy lifestyle. I drink the meal replacement, Shakeology in the mornings for breakfast. 



The Meals in a box I order online


You do not have to compromise your health because you are a full-time student and single mom. The best option is to workout from your home. I am a Beach, body coach. Therefore, I save money when I purchase products; I make money by working from home, and I lose weight. I also motivate the people around me to become healthy as well. As a nursing student, you learn that you must lead by example. If you are teaching health and wellness, then you must make and effort to be healthy and well. This way you not only feel great about educating your patients on diet and exercise, but you also lead by example. 
My parents early morning bike ride

Tips get started click the link

Keep a Great Attitude

At times, things get rough especially when you have to push out an awesome care plan that takes 20 hours of your precious time to complete and you don't see how you're going to do it. Nursing school is demanding, and this causes stress and anxiety. To make it through your days stay positive. Know that at the end of all of this you will become an awesome nurse making a difference in others lives. 

Save Time for Yourself

My favorite things to do are gardening, walking in the park, going to catch a good movie or staying home playing video games with my children or having a movie night with them. Whatever makes you happy take the and spend it with yourself. 
Basil from my garden

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